#Cotw fallout new vegas download mod
Do whatever you want man, but at least be consistent xD Who is Amanda? Do you mean Amata? The CotW mod has an option to turn Amata, Butch, and the other teenagers into kids again. FO3 is the only game with a background history that states your age, but that is the only one you say make sense? Explain why you stay a kid but Amanda ages in the vault. You might be a kid all things considered.

There is nothing known about you, you dont have any history that states how old you are. Originally posted by 勇敢で強いが、それでも角質:In FONV and TES you are a blank slate. I just figured I'd throw my (possibly unhelpful) two caps in, in case it actually was helpful. Sorry for Necroing an obviously nearly dead discussion. I'd play the hell outta that if I had a machine that could run it.Įdit: Err. On a side note, I kind of wish there was a Fallout Co-op Multiplayer game. It might've been that you had a western outfit that was skimpy that replaced the "CUTE" (original body replacer for CotW) version.

Seeing as how the CotW team has clearly stated they don't support sexualization of the models, I would assume that that's not a mod/armour native to CotW.
#Cotw fallout new vegas download mods
I'd suggest going through your mods and seeing which ones change- Alicia's? (is that Alicia? I haven't played yet, too many mods that overwrite each other, and a lack of support to fall back on in modding my game are stopping me from playing)- Clothing. At best, that's string bikini (that picture implies that it's at least this), at worst, it's a pair of "sissy panties"/"tanga panties", which are, admittedly, close to a thong, but only the sissy/tanga panties are even close to sexualization. Is it actually a thong (as in material being between the cheeks), or are at least part of the cheeks covered? If it's covered, that's not a thong. I think that "thong" might be the result of one of the other armour mods, but since I don't know what your modlist is like, I really can't say much beyond that.