This method returns the variable outOnMap flag as TRUE if there are any people on the map – whether traders, or people immigrating, emigrating, wandering around or staying at home doing nothing.In historiography, ancient Rome is Roman civilization from the founding of the city of Rome in the 8th century BC to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD, encompassing the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic and Roman Empire until the fall of the western empire.

This method has not been tested as such, but the returned flag outPlagued is believed to be set TRUE if plague is currently affecting any buildings. From testing, it appears that the game counts a building as being “on fire” if the Risks overlay shows a fire risk, rather than any fire being visible when viewed normally. This method returns the variable outOnFire flag as TRUE if there are currently any buildings on fire. This method returns the variable outCollapsing flag as TRUE if there are any buildings that are about to collapse. GetBuildingsCollapsing(out bool outCollapsing) Its usage is otherwise as described for the GetActiveBuildings method above. This method returns the total number of buildings of the specified type in the variable outAmount, whether active or inactive. GetTotalBuildings(int inBuildingID, out uint outAmount) See the note above regarding what counts as an “inactive” building. This method returns the number of inactive buildings of the specified type, as indicated by the ID returned by the IDMaker.FromString method.

GetInactiveBuildings(int inBuildingID, out uint outAmount) Similarly, markets are not counted as active if they are not taxed, even if they are fully staffed. Patrician villas are not counted as active if they are not being taxed. For example, the theater, arena, coliseum and circus do not count as active if they are waiting for performers to arrive. Note that whereas for most buildings it will be counted as active if not mothballed, this is not always the case. Game.GetActiveBuildings(mIDDomus, out nMedDomi) Int32 mIDDomus2 = IDMaker.FromString("C4b Equites Housing 02") not mothballed) medium domi: uint nMedDomi = 0 In the following example use, we want to count the number of active (i.e. To find the building ID, you need to know the input string to provide: you can find a list of these in Part 10. To use this you need the unique ID for that building, which is obtained through a call to the IDMaker.FromString method. This method returns, as the variable outAmount, the number of active buildings of the specified type. GetActiveBuildings(int inBuildingID, out uint outAmount)

Note that the input string you need to give to IDMaker.FromString is generally of the form “c4cr ” where is the name of the resource you want to count, such as iron, weapons, timber, silphium, wool, and so on. This will tell you how many olives are currently stored in the city (as reported by the Resource Advisor), as the variable nOlives. Game.GetResource(mDataIDOlives, out nOlives) Example use: Int32 mDataIDOlives = IDMaker.FromString("c4cr Olives") This can be useful as a trigger, for example to unlock a building. The resource ID is a unique identifier whose value if determined using the IDMaker.FromString method. This method returns the amount of the specified resource currently stored in warehouses or the buildings that produce it. GetResource(int inResourceID, out uint outAmount)